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PARGASOR Group Newsletter - Issue No. 6 - January 26, 2015


26 / 01 to 04 / 02 / 2015

-Mackerel 30+ (Trachurus Trachurus) - 1835 USD  / Tn (CIF Luanda)

-Mackerel 25+ (Trachurus Trachurus) - 1735 USD  / Tn (CIF Luanda)

-Mackerel 16+ (Trachurus Trachurus) - 1330 USD  / Tn (CIF Leixoes)

-Mackerel 18+ (Trachurus Trachurus) - 1475 USD  / Tn (CIF Leixoes)

-Mackerel 20+ (Trachurus Trachurus) - 1650 USD  / Tn (CIF Leixoes)

  • Boxes of 20 kg

  • Minimum quantity order 4 containers 40"

  • Ref. Prod. 06-2015


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Pargasor Group

Operates internationally in various market segments. The company produces and selects products, respecting the most stringent criteria imposed European Community. We provide our customers, certified and internationally recognized products.
Profissionais with many years of accumulated experience, are part of the PARGASOR frames. All share a common goal: to surpass the expectations of the client. Extremely customer oriented and market needs, we created the product, the image work, and deliver the final result satisfies all the requirements. Our extensive offering is based on the essential food, alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks sectors., CATALOG 2015



Portugal news


International Fair "Wire Russia'2015"

Held in Moscow from 12 to 15 May 2015, in the Exhibition Centre "Expocentre", the 9th edition of the International Fair "Wire Russia 2015", positioning itself as the leading event in the Russian market of equipment for manufacturing and Treatment Wires, Cables and fixings.

Source AICEP



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