PT        PL       

PORTUGUESE OLIVE CAMPAIGN 2016 – We have already collected about 100 tons so far.


PORTUGUESE OLIVE CAMPAIGN 2016 – We have already collected about 100 tons so far.

It started up this October another Portuguese olive campaign; by the first sample, it can be deduced, already, a poor harvest in quality, as it has not rained. This is a major problem. Furthermore the warm temperatures that have been felt within the country have been reflected in the olive grove. Temperatures above 30ºC have promoted the fly and anthracnose among other maladies that decrease the quality of the fruit. Reflecting this “disgrace”, already announced, the global price of olive oil has, for a month, pointed towards increase, which promotes uncertainty and indecision in operators! We will give more news to stakeholders as we will pick this precious fruit so appreciated by all!

We have already collected about 100 tons so far.

About the author

PARGASOR group administrator